% Katamino Solver

% Interface

% Type = small_slam, Row = a..g,                              Col = 3..8
% Type = slam,       Row = a..z, spade, heart, diamond, club, Col = 5..9 (a..n), 6..8 (o..club)
% Type = grand_slam, Row = a..l,                              Col = 4..11
% Type = super_slam, Row = a..l,                              Col = 5..11
% Type = super_nine, Row = a..l,                              Col = 9
% Type = challenge,  Row = 1..40,                             Col = 7..10
katamino(Type, Row, Col) :-
    problem(Type, Row, All),
    take(Col, All, Shapes),
    solve(Shapes, Solution),
    pretty(Col, Solution).

% Example:
% ?- katamino(small_slam, c, 5).
% l l v v v 
% l p p s v 
% l p p s v 
% l y p s s 
% y y y y s 
% true

% See also test_all/0 and split_set/1 below.

% Solver solve(Ss, X) :- length(Ss, N), solve(Ss, N, [], X). solve([], _, B, B). solve(Ss, N, B, X) :- first_hole(N, B, P), % find the first hole on the board in a lexical ordering select(S, Ss, Ss1), % select a shape from the available ones place(S, P, N, B, B1), % place the shape to cover the first hole solvable(N, B1), % check if the board is still solvable solve(Ss1, N, B1, X). % recurse first_hole(N, B, X-Y) :- between(1, N, X), between(1, 5, Y), \+ member(s(X-Y,_), B), !. place(S, X-Y, N, B, B1) :- shape(S, [_-Dy|Ds]), % choose a rotation/flip Y1 is Y - Dy, Y1 > 0, % apply correction to cover X-Y place(S, X-Y1, Ds, N, [s(X-Y,S)|B], B1). % call the main function (with X-Y already covered) place(_, _, [], _, B, B). place(S, X-Y, [Dx-Dy|Ds], N, B, B1) :- X1 is X + Dx, between(1, N, X1), Y1 is Y + Dy, between(1, 5, Y1), \+ member(s(X1-Y1,_), B), place(S, X-Y, Ds, N, [s(X1-Y1,S)|B], B1). % This should check if there are holes with a size not divisible by 5, % but the program is fast enough as it is. solvable(_, _).
% Pretty printer pretty(N, B) :- pretty(N, 1, 1, B). pretty(_, 6, _, _). pretty(N, I, J, B) :- I =< 5, J > N, I1 is I + 1, nl, pretty(N, I1, 1, B). pretty(N, I, J, B) :- I =< 5, J =< N, member(s(J-I,S), B), write(S), write(' '), J1 is J + 1, pretty(N, I, J1, B).
% Utilities take(0, _, []). take(N, [X|Xs], [X|Ys]) :- N > 0, N1 is N - 1, take(N1, Xs, Ys). selectN(0, Xs, [], Xs). selectN(N, Xs, [Y|Ys], Zs) :- N > 0, N1 is N - 1, select(Y, Xs, Xs1), selectN(N1, Xs1, Ys, Zs).
% Testing all problems problem_set(small_slam, L, 3, 8) :- string_chars('abcdefg', L). problem_set(slam, L, 5, 9) :- string_chars('abcdefghijklmn', L). problem_set(slam, L, 6, 8) :- string_chars('opqrstuvwxyz', L1), append(L1, [spade, heart, diamond, club], L). problem_set(grand_slam, L, 4, 11) :- string_chars('abcdefghijkl', L). problem_set(super_slam, L, 5, 11) :- string_chars('abcdefghijkl', L). problem_set(super_nine, L, 9, 9) :- string_chars('abcdefghijkl', L). problem_set(challenge, L, 7, 10) :- bagof(X, between(1, 40, X), L). problem_set(full, [set], 12, 12). run_once(Type, Row, Col) :- katamino(Type, Row, Col), !. run_once(_, _, _) :- write('FAILED'), nl. test_all :- problem_set(Type, Rows, Min, Max), member(Row, Rows), between(Min, Max, Col), format('~n~a ~a/~a:~n', [Type, Row, Col]), run_once(Type, Row, Col), false.
% Find split sets split_set(N) :- N1 is 12 - N, problem(full, set, L), selectN(N, L, L1, L2), solve(L1, N, [], X1), solve(L2, N1, [], X2), pretty(N, X1), print('and'), nl, pretty(N1, X2).
% Shapes % (relative coordinates are given in lexical order) % x x x % xx xx x x x x xx x xx x xxx % xx xx x xx x xx x xx x x xxx x % xxx x xx xx xx x x x xxx xx x x % % s p c w l y i r v z + t shape(s, [0-0,0-1,0-2,1-2,1-3]). shape(s, [0-0,0-1,1-1,1-2,1-3]). shape(s, [0-0,1-0,1-1,2-1,3-1]). shape(s, [0-0,1-0,2-0,2-1,3-1]). shape(s, [0-1,0-2,0-3,1-0,1-1]). shape(s, [0-1,1-0,1-1,2-0,3-0]). shape(s, [0-1,1-1,2-0,2-1,3-0]). shape(s, [0-2,0-3,1-0,1-1,1-2]). shape(p, [0-0,0-1,0-2,1-0,1-1]). shape(p, [0-0,0-1,0-2,1-1,1-2]). shape(p, [0-0,0-1,1-0,1-1,1-2]). shape(p, [0-0,0-1,1-0,1-1,2-0]). shape(p, [0-0,0-1,1-0,1-1,2-1]). shape(p, [0-0,1-0,1-1,2-0,2-1]). shape(p, [0-1,0-2,1-0,1-1,1-2]). shape(p, [0-1,1-0,1-1,2-0,2-1]). shape(c, [0-0,0-1,0-2,1-0,1-2]). shape(c, [0-0,0-1,1-0,2-0,2-1]). shape(c, [0-0,0-1,1-1,2-0,2-1]). shape(c, [0-0,0-2,1-0,1-1,1-2]). shape(w, [0-0,0-1,1-1,1-2,2-2]). shape(w, [0-0,1-0,1-1,2-1,2-2]). shape(w, [0-1,0-2,1-0,1-1,2-0]). shape(w, [0-2,1-1,1-2,2-0,2-1]). shape(l, [0-0,0-1,0-2,0-3,1-0]). shape(l, [0-0,0-1,0-2,0-3,1-3]). shape(l, [0-0,0-1,1-0,2-0,3-0]). shape(l, [0-0,0-1,1-1,2-1,3-1]). shape(l, [0-0,1-0,1-1,1-2,1-3]). shape(l, [0-0,1-0,2-0,3-0,3-1]). shape(l, [0-1,1-1,2-1,3-0,3-1]). shape(l, [0-3,1-0,1-1,1-2,1-3]). shape(y, [0-0,0-1,0-2,0-3,1-1]). shape(y, [0-0,0-1,0-2,0-3,1-2]). shape(y, [0-0,1-0,1-1,2-0,3-0]). shape(y, [0-0,1-0,2-0,2-1,3-0]). shape(y, [0-1,1-0,1-1,1-2,1-3]). shape(y, [0-1,1-0,1-1,2-1,3-1]). shape(y, [0-1,1-1,2-0,2-1,3-1]). shape(y, [0-2,1-0,1-1,1-2,1-3]). shape(i, [0-0,0-1,0-2,0-3,0-4]). shape(i, [0-0,1-0,2-0,3-0,4-0]). shape(r, [0-0,0-1,1-1,1-2,2-1]). shape(r, [0-0,1-0,1-1,1-2,2-1]). shape(r, [0-1,0-2,1-0,1-1,2-1]). shape(r, [0-1,1-0,1-1,1-2,2-0]). shape(r, [0-1,1-0,1-1,1-2,2-2]). shape(r, [0-1,1-0,1-1,2-1,2-2]). shape(r, [0-1,1-1,1-2,2-0,2-1]). shape(r, [0-2,1-0,1-1,1-2,2-1]). shape(v, [0-0,0-1,0-2,1-0,2-0]). shape(v, [0-0,0-1,0-2,1-2,2-2]). shape(v, [0-0,1-0,2-0,2-1,2-2]). shape(v, [0-2,1-2,2-0,2-1,2-2]). shape(z, [0-0,0-1,1-1,2-1,2-2]). shape(z, [0-0,1-0,1-1,1-2,2-2]). shape(z, [0-1,0-2,1-1,2-0,2-1]). shape(z, [0-2,1-0,1-1,1-2,2-0]). shape(+, [0-1,1-0,1-1,1-2,2-1]). shape(t, [0-0,0-1,0-2,1-1,2-1]). shape(t, [0-0,1-0,1-1,1-2,2-0]). shape(t, [0-1,1-1,2-0,2-1,2-2]). shape(t, [0-2,1-0,1-1,1-2,2-2]).
% Problems problem(small_slam, a, [l,y,t,p,w,z,v,s]). problem(small_slam, b, [s,p,c,l,z,y,t,w]). problem(small_slam, c, [l,v,p,y,s,c,z,r]). problem(small_slam, d, [y,p,c,s,v,r,w,t]). problem(small_slam, e, [l,s,v,z,c,t,y,w]). problem(small_slam, f, [p,c,r,y,t,s,l,w]). problem(small_slam, g, [l,v,p,z,y,w,s,r]). problem(slam, a, [l,p,c,r,w,y,z,s,v]). problem(slam, b, [y,s,p,c,z,v,t,l,r]). problem(slam, c, [l,y,v,t,w,z,r,c,p]). problem(slam, d, [s,v,p,c,r,w,l,z,t]). problem(slam, e, [l,y,s,p,w,t,v,r,c]). problem(slam, f, [l,p,c,z,t,r,s,w,y]). problem(slam, g, [l,v,p,c,w,s,y,t,z]). problem(slam, h, [l,s,p,t,w,z,y,r,v]). problem(slam, i, [l,y,v,c,z,r,w,s,t]). problem(slam, j, [l,v,p,r,w,y,c,t,s]). problem(slam, k, [l,y,s,c,w,r,p,v,z]). problem(slam, l, [y,v,p,z,w,s,r,t,c]). problem(slam, m, [l,y,v,p,r,c,t,z,w]). problem(slam, n, [l,y,p,z,w,s,c,v,t]). problem(slam, o, [l,y,s,c,r,t,z,p]). problem(slam, p, [l,s,v,p,z,r,t,y]). problem(slam, q, [l,y,p,z,r,w,v,c]). problem(slam, r, [l,s,v,p,c,t,w,r]). problem(slam, s, [y,v,p,c,t,w,l,z]). problem(slam, t, [l,y,v,z,r,t,p,w]). problem(slam, u, [l,s,v,p,c,r,z,t]). problem(slam, v, [s,v,p,c,z,t,r,y]). problem(slam, w, [s,v,p,c,z,r,y,w]). problem(slam, x, [y,s,v,p,t,w,z,c]). problem(slam, y, [l,s,c,z,r,t,v,y]). problem(slam, z, [l,y,p,r,t,w,c,z]). problem(slam, spade, [y,s,p,c,z,t,r,w]). problem(slam, heart, [l,s,v,c,r,w,y,t]). problem(slam, diamond, [l,s,v,p,r,t,w,z]). problem(slam, club, [l,v,p,c,r,t,s,y]). problem(grand_slam, a, [l,s,v,z,c,t,p,+,r,i,w]). problem(grand_slam, b, [l,y,c,r,z,v,+,p,i,s,t]). problem(grand_slam, c, [l,y,v,p,r,w,s,c,z,t,i]). problem(grand_slam, d, [y,p,c,r,t,+,l,v,w,z,s]). problem(grand_slam, e, [l,y,p,z,w,s,t,r,i,c,+]). problem(grand_slam, f, [l,p,c,r,+,y,i,s,t,w,v]). problem(grand_slam, g, [l,y,p,w,s,c,v,z,+,i,r]). problem(grand_slam, h, [y,s,v,t,r,i,z,w,l,+,c]). problem(grand_slam, i, [l,v,p,z,y,r,w,i,s,t,+]). problem(grand_slam, j, [l,y,p,t,w,s,i,v,c,+,z]). problem(grand_slam, k, [y,s,p,c,v,z,+,i,w,r,t]). problem(grand_slam, l, [l,y,v,c,z,i,r,t,+,p,w]). problem(super_slam, a, [l,s,p,t,w,z,v,i,c,y,r]). problem(super_slam, b, [l,y,s,v,p,t,w,+,r,i,z]). problem(super_slam, c, [l,p,c,r,w,i,z,s,v,t,+]). problem(super_slam, d, [y,s,p,c,z,l,+,v,t,w,i]). problem(super_slam, e, [y,v,p,z,w,s,t,i,+,c,r]). problem(super_slam, f, [s,v,p,c,r,+,y,l,i,t,w]). problem(super_slam, g, [l,p,c,t,+,r,s,z,y,v,i]). problem(super_slam, h, [l,v,p,r,w,i,c,t,+,z,y]). problem(super_slam, i, [l,p,c,z,t,y,i,+,s,r,w]). problem(super_slam, j, [l,y,v,t,w,z,r,i,c,+,s]). problem(super_slam, k, [l,s,p,c,z,+,i,y,w,r,v]). problem(super_slam, l, [l,v,p,c,w,y,+,r,z,s,t]). problem(super_nine, a, [i,l,y,s,v,p,c,z,r]). problem(super_nine, b, [y,v,p,c,z,r,t,w,+]). problem(super_nine, c, [i,l,s,v,p,z,r,t,+]). problem(super_nine, d, [i,l,y,p,c,r,t,w,+]). problem(super_nine, e, [i,s,v,p,c,z,r,t,w]). problem(super_nine, f, [i,l,y,s,v,p,c,w,+]). problem(super_nine, g, [i,y,s,p,c,z,r,t,+]). problem(super_nine, h, [i,l,y,s,v,r,t,w,+]). problem(super_nine, i, [l,y,s,v,c,z,r,t,+]). problem(super_nine, j, [i,l,y,s,v,p,z,t,w]). problem(super_nine, k, [i,l,v,p,c,z,t,w,+]). problem(super_nine, l, [i,l,y,s,c,z,r,w,+]). problem(challenge, 1, [i,l,y,p,c,w,+,t,v,r]). problem(challenge, 2, [l,y,p,z,r,t,w,+,s,c]). problem(challenge, 3, [i,l,s,v,c,z,t,y,r,p]). problem(challenge, 4, [l,y,p,r,t,w,+,i,z,v]). problem(challenge, 5, [i,y,s,v,c,r,w,l,p,+]). problem(challenge, 6, [l,v,p,r,t,w,+,z,c,s]). problem(challenge, 7, [y,s,p,c,z,r,t,v,+,i]). problem(challenge, 8, [i,l,s,p,c,t,+,w,z,y]). problem(challenge, 9, [i,v,p,c,z,r,w,s,y,l]). problem(challenge, 10, [i,y,s,v,c,t,+,r,w,z]). problem(challenge, 11, [i,l,s,p,z,t,w,r,+,c]). problem(challenge, 12, [i,y,s,v,c,z,r,t,w,l]). problem(challenge, 13, [l,y,v,c,z,r,w,+,i,s]). problem(challenge, 14, [s,v,p,c,r,t,+,y,l,w]). problem(challenge, 15, [i,l,y,v,c,r,w,p,z,+]). problem(challenge, 16, [l,y,v,p,z,w,+,t,c,i]). problem(challenge, 17, [i,y,p,c,z,t,w,s,v,r]). problem(challenge, 18, [i,s,v,p,c,r,+,w,t,z]). problem(challenge, 19, [l,s,p,z,r,t,w,v,+,y]). problem(challenge, 20, [i,l,s,p,z,r,t,+,y,v]). problem(challenge, 21, [i,s,v,p,c,z,t,+,l,w]). problem(challenge, 22, [i,l,y,c,r,t,w,z,s,+]). problem(challenge, 23, [y,s,v,p,z,r,t,w,+,c]). problem(challenge, 24, [i,l,y,s,c,t,+,v,z,p]). problem(challenge, 25, [i,y,s,v,p,r,w,+,t,z]). problem(challenge, 26, [l,y,v,c,r,t,+,s,w,i]). problem(challenge, 27, [i,l,y,p,c,z,w,+,r,t]). problem(challenge, 28, [l,s,v,p,r,t,w,c,i,y]). problem(challenge, 29, [i,l,v,p,c,z,+,r,w,s]). problem(challenge, 30, [i,y,v,c,z,t,w,p,+,r]). problem(challenge, 31, [l,y,s,p,r,t,w,+,i,z]). problem(challenge, 32, [i,y,p,c,z,r,t,s,w,+]). problem(challenge, 33, [l,y,s,v,p,z,w,+,r,i]). problem(challenge, 34, [i,l,y,c,r,t,+,z,s,v]). problem(challenge, 35, [i,y,s,v,c,t,w,p,+,r]). problem(challenge, 36, [l,s,v,c,t,w,+,i,r,p]). problem(challenge, 37, [i,l,p,c,r,t,w,z,v,y]). problem(challenge, 38, [i,l,s,c,z,r,t,v,+,w]). problem(challenge, 39, [l,y,s,v,c,r,+,w,z,t]). problem(challenge, 40, [i,l,v,p,z,t,w,+,y,s]). problem(full, set, [s,p,c,w,l,y,i,r,v,z,+,t]).
% Statistics % Interface : ~ 15 LoC % Solver : ~ 20 LoC % Tests : ~ 30 LoC % Shape data: ~ 70 LoC % Problems : ~110 LoC