size(4). % Maximum content of a tube empty(2). % Number of empty tubes % Tubes are given as ID-contents, where the the first color is the top one. % In the case of a color of 2 or more units, it is written multiple times. tubes([1-[blue,orange,cyan,indigo], 2-[red,lime,yellow,purple], 3-[purple,wheat,wheat,grey], 4-[pink,orange,lime,green], 5-[grey,cyan,pink,blue], 6-[indigo,lime,wheat,yellow], 7-[indigo,blue,purple,green], 8-[indigo,lime,red,cyan], 9-[cyan,wheat,purple,red], 10-[red,green,pink,orange], 11-[blue,yellow,yellow,grey], 12-[pink,green,grey,orange], 13-[], 14-[]]). % Another example, where there seems to be no solution with 2 empty tubes. % tubes([1-[blue,indigo,orange,red], % 2-[green,green,orange,yellow], % 3-[green,wheat,grey,cyan], % 4-[purple,pink,wheat,yellow], % 5-[pink,red,indigo,orange], % 6-[cyan,blue,indigo,lime], % 7-[pink,purple,wheat,cyan], % 8-[grey,blue,yellow,grey], % 9-[pink,red,orange,yellow], % 10-[lime,purple,purple,grey], % 11-[cyan,red,lime,blue], % 12-[wheat,lime,green,indigo], % 13-[], % 14-[]]). %%%%%%%%%%% % Program % %%%%%%%%%%% % top(Xs, Y, Ys, Zs) % Xs is the concatenation of Ys = [Y,Y,...] and Zs top([], _, [], []) :- !. top([Y|Xs], Y, [Y|C], Xs1) :- !, top(Xs, Y, C, Xs1). top([X|Xs], Y, [], [X|Xs]) :- X \= Y. % pour(Ts, I-J, Ts1) % Starting from Ts, Ts1 is the state after pouring from I into J pour(Ts, I-J, [I-Ti1,J-Tj1|Ts2]) :- select(I-Ti, Ts, Ts1), Ti = [C0|_], top(Ti, C0, C, Ti1), select(J-Tj, Ts1, Ts2), ( Tj = [] -> Ti1 = [_|_] ; Tj = [C0|_] ), length(Tj, L), length(C, Lc), size(N), L + Lc =< N, append(C, Tj, Tj1). one_color([]) :- !. one_color([_]) :- !. one_color([X,X|Xs]) :- one_color([X|Xs]). % A tube is finished if it is full and of one color finished(T) :- one_color(T), size(N), length(T, N).
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Solver w/o optimization % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % solve(Tubes, [I-J|Acc], Steps) :- % member(J-T, Tubes), finished(T), !, % select(J-T, Tubes, Tubes1), % empty(E), % ( length(Tubes1, E) -> reverse([I-J|Acc], Steps) % ; solve(Tubes1, [I-J|Acc], Steps) % ). % solve(Tubes, Acc, Steps) :- % pour(Tubes, Step, Tubes1), % solve(Tubes1, [Step|Acc], Steps). % % solve(Steps) :- tubes(Tubes), solve(Tubes, [], Steps).
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Optimized solver % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Idea for optimization: % Forbid starting tubes that could have been chosen earlier but were skipped % forbidden(Xs, Y-Z, L) % L contains all indices in Xs before Y, except for Z forbidden([Y-_|_], Y-_, []) :- !. forbidden([Z-_|Xs], Y-Z, L) :- !, forbidden(Xs, Y-Z, L). forbidden([X-_|Xs], Y-Z, [X|L]) :- X \= Y, X \= Z, forbidden(Xs, Y-Z, L). solve(Tubes, Forbidden, [I-J|Acc], Steps) :- member(J-T, Tubes), finished(T), !, select(J-T, Tubes, Tubes1), empty(E), ( length(Tubes1, E) -> reverse([I-J|Acc], Steps) ; solve(Tubes1, Forbidden, [I-J|Acc], Steps) ). solve(Tubes, Forbidden, Acc, Steps) :- pour(Tubes, I-J, Tubes1), ( member(I, Forbidden) -> fail ; forbidden(Tubes, I-J, Forbidden1) ), solve(Tubes1, Forbidden1, [I-J|Acc], Steps). solve(Steps) :- tubes(Tubes), solve(Tubes, [], [], Steps).