Dara (Nigeria) Dara is played on a board of 6x5 squares: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Both players have 12-12 stones. 1. The players take turns putting their stones on the board until all 24 are on the board. 2. Then each player takes a turn moving a stone into an adjacent empty square. Stones may be moved up, down, or sideways, but not diagonally. 3. When a player gets three stones in a row, they get to remove one of their opponent's stones. Clarifications: - Players may not have more than three stones in a row at any time. - Stones in a row cannot be removed. - A row made when placing the stones on the board in Step One does not count. - Only one stone at a time may be removed from an opponent, even if more than one row is formed by a move. A player with only 2 stones loses. Interesting facts: - Stones are often referred to as 'cows'. - This is played in several countries in Africa, with slightly different rules and names.