Thai transliteration without "special" characters Starting consonants: k kh ng c ch t th d n p ph f b m y r l w s h ' Ending consonants: k t p ng n m y w ' Simple vowels: a aa ae aeh * e ee eo eoh * i ii o oo oe oeh * u uu ue ueh * Diphtongs: ia ua uea * The 'h' in aeh/eoh/oeh/ueh is not written before ending w/y, since these are always long Glottal stop (') can be omitted, e.g. aray, \kha, pramaan Except: (i) when pronounced mid-word, e.g. khara'oke, du'^raay (ii) when comes after a diphtong, e.g. \nia' [particle of surprise] to differentiate between the common (long) -ia/-ua/-uea, and the rare (short) -ia'/-ua'/-uea' -- Differences from the scientific transliteration: - ŋ => ng - ɂ => ' - ɛ => ae - ɔ => eo - ə => oe - ɯ => ue [also ɯa => uea] - double-letter simple vowels are lengthened by h (ɛɛ => aeh, ɔɔ => eoh, əə => oeh, ɯɯ => ueh) except for syllables ending with w/y, where length is redundant - different system for tones (see below), instead of aa/àa/âa/ǎa/áa -- Differences form the ISO 11940-2 transliteration: - i => y [as ending consonant] - o => w [as ending consonant] - o => eo [as an open-mid vowel] - short/long vowels are not differentiated in ISO 11940-2 - tones are not shown in ISO 11940-2 -- Tones: 1. mid: may 2. low: _may 3. falling: \may 4. high: ^may 5. rising: /may Example: \rueang kaa kaa pen ^nok cha^nit _nueng. raw khon thay \riak man \waa kaa, ^phreo \waa man ^reohng "kaa kaa". kaa mii /sii dam taa ^lae ... -- Expert mode: 1. mid: ~may - words starting with Mid-consonants (k/c/t/d/p/b/'): - open syllables: only write tone if not mid (1) - closed syllables: only write tone if not low (2) - words starting with s/h: - open syllables: only write tone if not rising (5) - closed syllables: only write tone if not low (2) - all other words: - open syllables: only write tone if not mid (1) - closed short syllables: only write tone if not high (4) - closed long syllables: only write tone if not falling (3) Example: \rueang kaa kaa pen nok chanit _nueng. raw khon thay riak man \waa kaa, phreo \waa man ^reohng "kaa kaa". kaa mii sii dam taa lae ... === Consonant system |----------+--------+-----------+--------+-------+-----------+-------------+-------| | | Tenuis | Aspirated | Voiced | Nasal | Fricative | Approximant | Trill | |----------+--------+-----------+--------+-------+-----------+-------------+-------| | Glottal | ' | | | | h | | | | Velar | k | kh | | ng | | w | | | Palatal | c | ch | | | | y | | | Alveolar | t | th | d | n | s | l | r | | Labial | p | ph | b | m | f | | | |----------+--------+-----------+--------+-------+-----------+-------------+-------| Vowel system |------+------------------+---------| | | Unrounded | Rounded | |------+---------+--------+---------| | | Front | Back | Back | |------+---------+--------+---------| | High | i ii | ue ueh | u uu | | Mid | e ee | oe oeh | o oo | | Low | ae aeh | a aa | eo eoh | |------+---------+--------+---------| List of allowed diphthongs/triphthongs |---------------+---------------+---------------+------------------------------------| | Starting with | Ending with y | Ending with w | Optionally ending with a consonant | |---------------+---------------+---------------+------------------------------------| | a | -aay / -ay | -aaw / -aw | | | ae | | -aew | | | e | | -eew / -ew | | | eo | -eoy | | | | i | | -iw | -ia | | o | -ooy | | | | oe | -oey | | | | u | -uuy / -uy | | -ua | | ue | | | -uea | |---------------+---------------+---------------+------------------------------------| List of allowed consonant clusters |----+-----+-----+-----| | | r | l | w | |----+-----+-----+-----| | k | kr | kl | kw | | kh | khr | khl | khw | | p | pr | pl | - | | ph | phr | phl | - | | t | tr | - | - | |----+-----+-----+-----|