Mean and Gaussian curvatures are conventionally visualized by
mapping a continuous range of colors (typically a blue-to-green-to-red scale)
onto the surface.
In this paper I show
that this could be done better, in a way that shows problems in G2 and G3
continuity more explicitly. The figures in the paper were created by my
Quad Viewer.
Last update: 2025.01.04.
If you add up the cubes of all numbers from 1 to 9, you get 2025. I
use this example to showcase different programming paradigms in C++ in
a memo (in
Hungarian; MarkDown source) for second
semester students who learned C in the first semester.
Last update: 2025.01.12.
My first keynote presentation,
at the CAD'24 conference in Eger (Hungary). It is mostly based on our
recent survey on multi-sided surface
representations, and there are also a few slides on the
interior control structure
to be presented at SMI'24 in Detroit.
Last update: 2024.07.06.
A paper
written for the SMI'24 conference, on how to create
a unified control structure for complex multi-sided surfaces
based on (a variation of) the medial axis of its curved domain.
Published in Computers and Graphics
(open access).
I also presented the ideas
in this paper and the one
from last year's SMI conference at
the Dagstuhl geometric
modeling conference.
Last update: 2024.06.07.
A writeup on a fun side project:
modeling an acorn-shaped container for phase change materials.
I have also created a real test object
with a filament-based 3D printer.
2024.11.18.: The first mass-produced model!
Last update: 2024.04.28.
Our survey on genuine multi-sided patches
is published, at last, in the
Paul de Casteljau
special issue of Computer Aided Geometric Design (open access).
We have also written two other papers for a local conference:
one on the exact refinement of GB(S) patches,
and another one on using quadratic GB patches
to create a smooth interpolation of arbitrary topology (quad)meshes.
(For the latter see also the associated code
and my slides.)
Last update: 2024.04.10.
Step-by-step instructions
on making a paper snowflake from a rectangular piece of paper.
Nothing new, I guess, but saves me the time looking it up on the net every year.
Last update: 2023.12.15.
A paper that was originally an idea
written down in a four-line note.
After presenting it at Curves & Surfaces,
I have added a bit more stuff and finally it appears in (virtual) print.
It is published in the
Computers-Aided Design and Applications
journal; there is also a
short version for the
proceedings of the CAD'23 conference.
Last update: 2023.06.20.
Our newest paper
written for the SMI'23 conference, on how to create
ribbon surfaces and how to modify them using control vectors
while retaining continuous connections to adjacent surfaces.
Published in Computers and Graphics
(open access). See some related slides here.
Last update: 2023.06.14.
My very own puzzle game
in the style of the magnetic puzzles developed by
(also in text format).
All supporting code for experimenting was
written in Prolog,
and the ImageMagick commands for creating the images
were generated by AWK scripts.
(The scales are generated by a hand-made 24x24 pixel
There is also a list of
all 92 solutions (only 26 of which are substantially different,
because of symmetry), and the table
of correspondences and solvability.
Last update: 2023.04.16.
An origami envelope
made from A4 (or other 1:sqrt(2)) paper. The result has area
2 sqrt(2) / 16 ~ 0.24; the ratio of its edges is around 1.3.
If you want to actually insert something, put it under the bottom
flap after step 3.
Last update: 2023.03.13.
A short paper on how to
tessellate Zheng-Ball patches. See also my
Last update: 2023.02.06.
Some letters in Thai occur in only a handful of common words.
Here's a list of these rare letters,
with a few words using them.
Last update: 2023.01.31.
A printable diagram
(also in PDF) of Jun Maekawa's
"boko-bako" (凹箱, or "concave box"), containing my favorite
twisting fold. (Bold lines are mountain folds; the first step folds
everything except the lines at the top.)
Last update: 2023.01.16.
My first (unit) origami design.
There are many ways to make cubes without creases on the faces,
there is e.g. John Montroll's from 1 square paper, or Miyuki Kawamura's from 6.
This is one using 3 squares - it is so simple, that someone else must have
done it before.
I have also done
a 2-unit variation,
originally asymmetric, but there is also a symmetric version using
alternative steps.
Another 2-unit cube
is folded from half-squares. It is somewhat small (the edges are 1/6
of the square's), but its surface area is 1/6 of that of the total used paper,
which is comparable to the other ones (3-unit: 2/9, 2-unit: 3/16).
Finally, I have found a box - an open cube -
also so simple that it must be already known. There are also step-by-step instructions (with some additional creases for simplicity). A perfectly matching lid can be made from a square of the same size. If you disregard the first two steps, the lid is just a variation on the box itself, where the base has edge length 1/2 instead of 1/3. This is a trade-off between height and volume: the lid-type variant has larger volume but smaller height; maximum volume is achieved when the base has edge length 2/3, but then the "walls" are a bit too low.
Last update: 2022.10.31.
A sturdy pocket for storing small things,
made from A4 (or other 1:sqrt(2)) paper. The last step has 3 variations:
- with a foldable flap
- without the flap (probably more robust)
- with a foldable & fastanable flap
Last update: 2022.10.31.
My presentation at the Curves & Surfaces
conference (actually presented by M. Vaitkus, due to unforeseen circumstances).
Multi-sided patches usually either have arbitrary boundary constraints (transfinite
interpolation surfaces) or natural interior control (generalized Bézier patches),
but not both - until now!
Last update: 2022.06.22.
A fun presentation on the (somewhat strange) idea
that you can actually use a simple circle as the domain for a multi-sided surface.
The parameterization has all the good properties, and is suitable for cases
with periodic boundaries. There is also actual Julia code supplied in the
Last update: 2022.06.09.
A talk I have given at the CSF conference
on generalized barycentric coordinates in Ascona, Switzerland. This nicely summarizes
my previous work, including the
C0 Coons,
Composite ribbon,
Midpoint Coons,
Generalized Coons patches.
There is also a technical report with roughly the
same contents.
Last update: 2022.06.04.
An (unofficial) Hungarian translation of
Thomas Nagel's introduction to interesting philosophical questions,
for the 13th birthday of my goddaughter.
Last update: 2022.05.15.
All the words I have learned from the
(Japanese) textbook "CD Express Modern Hebrew" (by Keiko Yamada) and all the
dialogues from the book. Also some
grammar notes (in Hungarian).
About using the dictionary file, see the
snippet page.
Last update: 2022.05.12.
A book version of my
Prolog lessons
largely based on the first part of Ivan Bratko's
wonderful Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence.
You can also download the example code.
Clone the repository with
git clone https://github.com/salvipeter/prolog-konyv.git
Last update: 2022.03.27.
All the words I learned from the classic (1938)
Teach Yourself French textbook (with meanings in Hungarian).
Also here are all the readings from the book.
Last update: 2022.02.28.
A short memo on how to use Bézier extraction
matrices. See also my implementation.
Last update: 2022.02.04.
A paper on a simple method to
generate a class of proximity curves in standard Bézier
representation. See also my testbed
Last update: 2022.02.03.
Some memos I've taken while
reading the Tcl manual.
Last update: 2022.01.27.
A sequel to our
I-patch paper, this time using
this implicit surface representation to approximate triangle meshes, with adaptive
It is published in the
Computers-Aided Design and Applications
journal; there is also a
short version for the
proceedings of the CAD'21 conference.
I also gave a talk about both papers at the
Geometric Modeling seminar.
Last update: 2022.01.22.
Some grammar notes I took while learning Yoruba.
There is also a list of words (and also dialogues/sentences) from
Colloquial Yoruba (Schleicher) and the wonderful
(but very difficult)
Teach Yourself Yoruba (Rowlands).
All the above is in Hungarian.
Last update: 2022.01.07.
A paper showing how homoiconicity is (almost) the
only thing you need to have a great programming language. There is no novelty here,
but I wanted to write a Common Lisp tutorial, and this seemed to be a nice topic.
It also provided an opportunity to line up some of my favorite books (mostly, but
not exclusively, on programming).
Last update: 2021.12.29.
A summary of some important facts about
the shape operator and the embedded Weingarten map, both in the context of
parametric and implicit surfaces.
Last update: 2021.11.10.
Our new paper on the extension of the
Curved Domain Bézier patches
to B-spline boundaries, published in the
Computer Aided Geometric Design journal.
Last update: 2021.06.09.
A short series of lessons on Prolog and
general programming, which I wrote for a friend of mine (in
Hungarian). Largely based on the first part of Ivan Bratko's
wonderful Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence, but
also contains some other interesting extended examples.
Clone the repository with
git clone https://github.com/salvipeter/prolog-leckek.git
Last update: 2021.05.29.
A paper written in cooperation with
K.T. Miura & co., about an extension of κ-curves (see
also my implementation in
Julia). After a failed attempt at SIGGRAPH Asia, it is now
published open access
in The Visual
Computer journal; on the homepage there is also a demo video with
my narration. And it is my first paper with a photo!
Last update: 2021.05.19.
I tried to sum up a few interesting topics in generative grammar &
automata theory (in Hungarian), also including Prolog code for
simulating Turing machines, and generating plants with Lindenmayer
Read the HTML
or get the latest MarkDown source with
git clone https://github.com/salvipeter/formalis.git
Last update: 2021.04.07.
Correct BibTeX entries for my publications.
Clone the repository with
git clone https://github.com/salvipeter/bibtex.git
Last update: 2021.03.03.
Two new papers for the WAIT conference.
The first one is on how to edit the interior of transfinite interpolation surfaces
using displacement blends,
See also my sample implementation.
The second paper is about generating
good quality meshes
for implicit surfaces, using my C0 Coons patch.
(The latter one is a spin-off of our latest work on I-patches.)
Last update: 2021.02.01.
Some memos I've taken while
reading the Nim manual.
Last update: 2020.12.09.
All the words I learned from the Japanese textbook
"New Express Plus Thai" (with meanings in Hungarian).
Also here are all the dialogues from the book.
Added the words from "Teach Yourself Thai" by D. Smyth.
Added the words from "Colloquial Thai" by J. Moore & S. Rodchue.
Last update: 2020.09.10.
A collection of Persian quatrains
that I translated into metric Hungarian verse. Transliterations of the poems
are also provided. The poems are taken from a wide range of poets, from the
10th to the 20th century.
This booklet also contains an introduction to Persian pronounciation,
and the basics of metric poetry, as well as a few biographic notes
on the poets.
Last update: 2020.06.10.
At last we were able to publish our paper
on how to convert various multi-sided patches into rational Bézier form,
with a special emphasis on the quality of the generated control net.
It is published in the
Computers-Aided Design and Applications
journal; there is also a
short version for the
proceedings of the CAD'20 conference.
See also the related tensor conversion snippet,
and the narrated presentation.
Last update: 2020.05.25.
Our new paper submitted to the SMI 2020 conference,
which shows how a classic implicit surface representation, the I-patch,
can be used for non-trivial modeling tasks,
including setback vertex blends and polyhedral design.
It is published in the
Computers & Graphics journal;
see also the related implicit fitting snippet.
Last update: 2020.05.19.
An Emacs implementation of the
Tajik YQUKEN keyboard layout (a modification of the cyrillic JCUKEN layout).
There is also a version for IBus-m17n,
put it in your ~/.m17n.d/ directory. You may also need to un-blacklist it
in /usr/share/ibus-m17n/default.xml, by adding the following snippet at the end:
Last update: 2020.05.19.
A memo on the VT100 control sequences
for my students, with which you can (i) clear the screen, (ii) move the cursor,
(iii) change the formatting/colors.
X11-specific window-controlling sequences are also touched upon.
(In Hungarian.)
Last update: 2020.05.15.
YINSH board printable on A4 paper
(also in PDF).
Print two copies and glue them together.
Pieces should have a radius of less than a half inch (~1.3 cm).
Last update: 2020.03.30.
Board tile cut-outs for Battle Sheep (a.k.a. Splits),
in PostScript and
PDF format.
Last update: 2020.03.16.
Our new paper on the extension of
Concave Generalized Bézier patches
to curved domains, published in the
Computer Aided Geometric Design journal.
Last update: 2020.02.27.
A list (and minimal introduction) of some of my favourite books on
programming, sorted by programming language.
Download it in Org-mode text or in
Last update: 2020.02.09.
A (very) short
on the multi-sided generalization of the C0 Coons patch.
It draws on the same idea as the
CR patch,
but does not need normal information at the boundaries.
A simple, lightweight patch when C0 continuity with adjacent patches is sufficient.
See also my sample implementation.
Last update: 2020.01.30.
A "dual"
Catchup board
printable on A4 paper (also in
The size is just right to play with Go stones (triangle edges are 1" long),
but you will need smaller markers for the scoring track.
The game is played by two players with black and white Go stones.
The rules are simple:
- First white places one stone on an intersection.
- Then the two players alternately put 1, 2 or 3 stones on any empty intersections,
until the board is filled.
- The winner is the player whose largest connected group has more stones;
or if it is a tie, then the second largest, and so on.
- 3 stones can only be played in a turn, if 2 conditions are met:
(i) the opponent moved forward on the scoring track in his/her last turn, and
(ii) we are not ahead of the opponent on the scoring track.
- Both players start from the 1 position on the scoring track.
Last update: 2019.12.28.
There are dice of various number of sides. But is there a 3-sided die? The answer is YES!
My original idea was that it should have 3 faces, and should be symmetrical. The
intersection of three spheres is like that.
Place the center of the spheres on the vertices of an equilateral triangle, and
make their radii somewhat larger than the side of the triangle (how much larger depends on
how "fat" you want the die to be).
Then I found out that there are 3-sided dice in existence, but they have more than 2 faces:
these can be constructed as the
intersection of three planes (an extruded equilateral triangle) with a sphere.
I have printed both model types
(with supports,
without supports),
the conclusion is that my design rolls better when fat,
but the other design rolls even better.
Last update: 2019.11.26.
Dara is a Nigerian board game similar to Nine Men's Morris (but much more complex).
Variations of it are played throughout West Africa. I have summarized
the rules, and created a simple
A4 PostScript board (also in
PDF). It is the perfect size to play with checkers pieces.
Last update: 2019.10.23.
PostScript DVONN boards printable on A4 paper:
- with hexagons (EPS,
PDF) - this minimal size to play the game
with 2x2 LEGO bricks as pieces
- with circles (EPS,
PDF) - the circles are 0.7" in diameter
- with triangles (EPS,
PDF) - playable with < 1"-diameter pieces
I use the last one scaled 1:sqrt(2); it can be printed on two A4 sheets with this half-board
the result looks like
Last update: 2019.10.06.
My transliteration system
for Thai. It only uses normal ASCII letters, but gives back the exact sounds (including tones).
Last update: 2019.10.05.
A simple regular octahedron
foldable from half of any 1:sqrt(2) sized paper (e.g. A- and B-series).
Last update: 2019.09.28.
A simple EPS board
(also in PDF) for the Gyges board game.
Each square is about 3 cm wide, so stacked checkers can be used as pieces.
Also, here are the rules summarized in English and
in Hungarian.
Last update: 2019.09.06.
All the letters of the Thai alphabet
with different styles (fonts), and a useful two-page summary at the end (in Hungarian).
Last update: 2019.08.13.
A simple EPS board for the Marrakech board game.
Each square is about 2.5 cm wide, so the carpets should be 2.5cm x 5cm, you can make 18 of them
from a standard 15cm square origami paper.
Also, here are the rules summarized in Hungarian.
See two photos of my travel Marrakech set:
the box and
while playing.
(Money is represented by black & white discs from a paper Go set; Assam is a Shogi pawn.)
Last update: 2019.06.21.
My notes on Sanskrit grammar I took while working through
The Cambridge Introduction to Sanskrit (in Hungarian).
Also, there is a vocabulary of all the words
appearing in the book; and I have compiled a list
of errors.
Last update: 2019.06.20.
A simple regular tetrahedron
foldable from any 1:sqrt(2) sized paper (e.g. A- and B-series),
and a right angle tetrahedron
foldable from half of a square.
If you take 4 of the right angle tetrahedra, and one regular tetrahedron,
you can also build a cube! The smaller sides of the papers should have
a ratio of 1:sqrt(3), so if you fold the right angle tetrahedra from a paper
of size (1,2), the regular tetrahedron should be folded from a paper of size
There is an alternative version
of the right angle tetrahedron, foldable from a square paper. For the above
construction to work, the smaller side of the regular tetrahedron should be
Last update: 2019.05.29.
My CV in European (EuroPass) and
in Hungarian format.
Last update: 2019.03.08.
Two papers related to S-patches, both presented at local conferences:
G1 hole filling with S-patches made easy (KÉPAF'19),
which also has a nice poster (also in
SVG), and
On the CAD-compatible conversion of S-patches (WAIT'19),
with slides.
See also the related biharmonic S-patch snippet.
Last update: 2019.02.20.
The conventions of our SAYC-based bidding system (in Hungarian),
converted from reStructured Text format, with internal links for easy browsing.
Get the latest source with
git clone https://github.com/salvipeter/dosszioz.git
Last update: 2018.12.28.
A short memo on the spelling and pronunciation of Vietnamese
(in Hungarian). Also in HTML format.
Last update: 2018.12.01.
A board for playing XiguaQi.
This is a simple two-player game where players move their pieces
along the lines to adjacent intersections.
Initially the 6-6 pieces are on the lower (upper) half of the board,
with the points of the central circle left empty.
When a piece or a group of pieces has nowhere to go, it is removed from the board.
The player who has less than 3 pieces loses.
Last update: 2018.11.27.
A short memo comparing
different bagh-chal rules, including: Fox & Geese, Asalto, Catch the Hare and a few others.
There are also (minimal) printable boards for Bagh-chal
and Fox & Geese / Asalto. The PDF versions can be downloaded here:
Fox & Geese (no diagonals),
Fox & Geese,
For 16 Musashi I host
a board
I found on the internet - and also here are two paintings where it is played
by children and
by women.
Fanorona is a different kind of game, but uses a similar board,
so I made the required modifications (EPS,
Last update: 2018.11.13.
I tried to organize my thoughts on functional programming languages, and wrote a memo/tutorial (in Hungarian) on how to create a very basic language based on combinatory logic.
Read the HTML
or get the latest MarkDown source with
git clone https://github.com/salvipeter/programnyelv.git
Last update: 2018.09.22.
Random Arabic phrases wrapped into a geometric design of Kufic script.
The PBM files are just bitmaps, the larger PNGs also show the same phrase
unwrapped and in standard (Naskh) script.
Last update: 2018.07.30.
A (very) short presentation on Moroccan mathematics
(in Arabic). This was a task for completing the Advanced 1 MSA course in Qalam wa Lawh, Rabat.
Last update: 2018.07.03.
A memo (in Hungarian) of the most important differences between the Moroccan dialect of Arabic
and the "common denominator" spoken language (e.g. the one taught in
Arabic Today).
Download it in Org-mode text or in
Last update: 2018.06.23.
A short summary on
the maximum entropy principle and its use for generalized barycentric coordinates
(in Hungarian).
See also my implementation.
Last update: 2018.06.16.
Our new paper on the concave extension of
Generalized Bézier patches, published in the
Computers & Graphics journal,
and presented at SMI 2018, winning best paper.
Last update: 2018.06.11.
As an exercise, I have tried to write up a 30-page introduction to
Persian grammar (in Hungarian), covering (almost) all the basic
constructions, along with some worked out example texts. The goal was to
create a document that can be read and understood with no previous
knowledge of the language.
Download the PDF
or get the latest LyX source with
git clone https://github.com/salvipeter/gyorstalpalo.git
Last update: 2018.04.29.
We have published a paper about enhancements and fixes of
Generalized Bézier patches in the "In memoriam Gerald Farin"
special issue of the CAGD journal.
I have also presented the results at the GMP 2018 conference.
Last update: 2018.04.12.
A memo on how I found out
the continuous representation of a discrete curve
I used to doodle when I was a kid (in Hungarian).
[Note that, while similar, this is not an astroid:
drawing an astroid requires the "falling" line segment to be of constant length.]
Last update: 2018.03.10.
A two-page summary of the basics of Urdu poetry,
concentrating on prosody and the ghazal form (in Hungarian).
Last update: 2018.01.19.
My notes on Turkish grammar I took while working through
Lewis' Teach Yourself Turkish (in Hungarian).
Also, there is a vocabulary of all the words
appearing in the book.
Last update: 2018.01.04.
I have recently bought the 2nd edition of "Arabic Today" (by John Mace),
which is a unique Arabic textbook, as it first teaches the colloquial language,
then moves on to the written language (normally it is the other way around).
I have found this approach very nice,
as the colloquial language does not impose such a burden on the learner,
and the transition is also quite easy, using the short pronunciation as a base.
The spoken language the book teaches is a kind of common educated language
that is not specific to any one region, and can be used anywhere in the Arab world.
The book does have its faults - there are no translation exercises, and the audio is worthless
(apart form the first three lessons, only some exercises have recordings).
Also, it focuses on business/media vocabulary a bit too much for my taste.
Still, it is the best textbook I know of.
You can find
all the words
(with Hungarian translations). I have found quite a few misprints and a few omissions,
so I wrote up
an errata (in English).
Last update: 2017.12.06.
A list of the metres of all
poems in the book Faces of Love (a compilation of Persian poetry by three
Shirazi poets, translated by Dick Davis).
The metres are given also using Elwell-Sutton's numbering system.
Last update: 2017.09.15.
A fusion of two earlier patches (MP and
GC), the Midpoint Coons patch boasts
computational efficiency and interior control. Read all about it in our
paper for the WAIT'17 conference.
Also there is a nice set of slides
(with a Star Trek reference).
Last update: 2017.01.31.
I have worked trough all exercises in the 4th edition of "An Introduction to Persian"
(by W. M. Thackston), which was a very nice experience. You can find
all the words in the vocabulary lists
(with Hungarian translations). I have bought the key for this textbook,
but found that it had quite a lot of misprints and a few omissions, so I wrote up
an errata containing all errors and typos
I have found.
Last update: 2017.01.24.
Some memos I've taken while
reading the Rust manual.
Last update: 2016.12.29.
A table of Hindi and
verb forms (in Hungarian).
Last update: 2016.11.22.
At the end of my 1-year stay in Hamamatsu, the Suzuki Foundation
made a short interview with me
about my research, life in Japan etc. (in Japanese).
Last update: 2016.09.12.
A short review presentation
on aesthetic curve representations, focusing on log-aesthetic
Last update: 2016.07.28.
My first rejected paper!
It was a short submission to the Pacific Graphics 2016 conference.
While it does not have much theoretical contribution,
I think it still does a good job as a technical report,
so it deserves its place here.
The paper was polished a bit and
re-submitted to a small local
conference at our university (WAIT 2018). Thus the original version is removed.
Last update: 2016.07.21.
Another new paper, this time for the bi-annual Hungarian
conference, contrasting multi-sided representations with fullness control,
and also introducing a very nice transfinite formulation, which we call the midpoint patch.
Last update: 2016.02.26.
A new paper on the multi-sided generalization of
Bézier patches is accepted to the Eurographics 2016 conference, so it will be published in the
Computer Graphics Forum journal.
I have already created some slides for the presentation.
Last update: 2016.02.02.
I have worked trough all exercises of "An Introduction to Koranic and Classical Arabic"
(by W. M. Thackston), which was a very nice experience. These are
all the words in the vocabulary lists
(with Hungarian translations). I have bought the key for this textbook,
but found that it had quite a lot of errors, even though most exercises used
sentences or passages from the Koran or from hadith literature, so I wrote up
an errata containing all errors and typos
I have found.
Last update: 2015.11.18.
Some memos I've taken while
reading the Julia manual.
Last update: 2015.10.30.
A memo of the methods
in the book "Introduction to Bayesian Statistics".
Last update: 2015.10.15.
I have collected all poems in "Chinese through Poetry", using simplified characters
and also all characters
in the vocabularies. There is also
a list of errors I've found.
Last update: 2015.10.03.
All the words I have learned
from the classic "Teach Yourself Italian" by K. Speight.
There are also some grammar notes.
About using the dictionary file, see the
snippet page.
Last update: 2015.09.13.
Printable cards for Seiji Kanai's Love Letter game
in Hungarian
and in English.
Last update: 2015.04.11.
A short memo comparing
different checkers rules: Russian checkers (shashki), English draughts,
tournament (or pool) checkers and international checkers.
There is also a minimal printable shashki board
for A4 paper using 1 inch squares (EPS source).
2017.12.20.: A board with numbers is also available
Last update: 2015.04.03.
I'm a believer of Emacs, but every now and then I have to use the EviL editor.
This is a brief guide on the essentials of movement and editing in vi/vim.
Here is the original Org mode file, and the
generated HTML.
Last update: 2015.03.17.
As an exercise, I've tried to write up a 20-page introduction to
Indonesian grammar (in Hungarian), covering (almost) all the basic
constructions, along with a worked out example text. The goal was to
create a document that can be read and understood with no previous
knowledge of the language.
Download the PDF
or get the latest LyX source with
git clone https://github.com/salvipeter/gyorstalpalo.git
Last update: 2015.02.13.
A comparison between the generalized Coons patch and our version of
the Gregory patch was presented at the 10th Conference of the
Hungarian Association for Image Processing and Pattern Recognition.
This paper was accepted as a
(PDF, Scribus)
displayed on a fullHD display.
Last update: 2015.01.30.
All the words I have learned
from "Teach Yourself Beginner's Hindi" (R. Snell), "Teach Yourself Hindi" (R. Snell),
and "Living Language Hindi" (M. Bhat) - the latter lists containing only the words
not appearing in the previous ones.
There are also some grammar notes.
About using the dictionary file, see the
snippet page.
Last update: 2014.12.31.
A summary of some elementary Contract Bridge techniques (in Hungarian):
trump play,
notrump play, and
defensive leads and signals.
Last update: 2014.12.22.
All the words I have learned
from the classic "Teach Yourself Spanish" by N. S. Wilson.
There are also some grammar notes.
About using the dictionary file, see the
snippet page.
Last update: 2014.10.25.
A new paper on creating G2 Gregory
patches over a curve network. It was presented at the Pacific Graphic
2014 Conference in Seoul, and it is published in the
Computer Graphics Forum
journal. A (less polished)
previous version was presented at the
Seventh Hungarian Conference on Computer Graphics and Geometry, 2014.
Last update: 2014.10.13.
A list of my favourite knots,
mostly found in Geoffrey Budworth's wonderful "The Knot Book"
(and of course in the Ashley Book of Knots).
Last update: 2014.09.29.
After two years and three revisions, at last our
paper is published in the
Computer Aided Geometric Design
Note: I have also presented this
work at the GMP'15 conference in Lugano.
Last update: 2014.08.05.
A summary of some advanced Contract Bridge techniques (elimination, throw-in,
squeeze, trump/grand coup, Bath coup, Deschapelles coup) illustrated
with examples (in Hungarian).
Get it in plain text
or in PDF format.
Last update: 2014.07.28.
A logical
summary of how numbers are
built up in Hindi.
Last update: 2014.06.11.
All the words I have learned
from "Teach Yourself Modern Persian" - both the wonderful 1971 version by John Mace,
and the awful 2004 version by N. Farzad, the latter list containing only the words not
appearing in the first.
There are also some grammar notes.
About using the dictionary file, see the
snippet page.
Added the words from "An Introduction to Persian" by W. M. Thackston.
Last update: 2014.01.31.
I've done an origami workshop at an Asia-related event,
and also created some
to introduce the main concepts (in Hungarian).
Last update: 2014.01.29.
These are my Korean wordlists. I have tried to learn Korean from quite a few books.
The first was Teach Yourself Korean (M. Vincent & J. Yeon),
then came the Elementary & Continuing Korean
(R. King & J. Yeon), then I found the
nice website of Sogang University, which included
a few courses. I've also taken some grammar notes.
It was only much later when I realized that Korean is very easy to learn through Japanese.
So I bought 文法をしっかり学ぶ韓国語 and 前田式韓国語中級文法トレーニング,
and started it all over again (wordlist,
grammar notes).
About using the dictionary file, see the
snippet page.
Last update: 2014.01.15.
Our paper
"Transfinite surface interpolation
over specific curvenet configurations" at the 14th IMA Conference
on Mathematics of Surfaces.
Last update: 2013.09.17.
A Greek (which is a
port of the modified
Emacs greek-babel input method),
a Latin (that contains
diacritical marks),
a Russian (which is a
port of the Emacs transliterated cyrillic input method),
a Turkish (which is a
prefix translation
of the Emacs turkish-postfix input method - another Emacs input method mimics
the (non-modified) characters of the Turkish Q layout),
a Persian (which is a
translation of the Emacs farsi-isiri-9147 input method),
an Arabic, implementing the
standard layout
(image from Wikipaedia),
and two Hungarian tables
for the Smart Common Input Method (SCIM). Place these files in
~/.scim/user-tables, and don't forget to edit the icon path in
the txt files.
There is also an Emacs port of
the SCIM JyutPing (Cantonese Big5) input method, and
a postfix Yoruba input method for
Emacs (not yet translated to SCIM).
Last update: 2013.12.28.
My lecture
on the game of go and the Japanese language,
presented at the Japan Foundation office in Budapest.
I have also created a
9x9 PostScript board
for the students (also in PDF and
with wood background),
and one twice as large
for the whiteboard using 40mm magnets (also in PDF).
Added: a 5x5 PostScript board
for goro problem solving
(also in PDF).
Added: a template for recording go games (碁罫紙)
(19x19, A4 size).
Last update: 2013.07.15.
Two recent papers:
a longer one
presented at the Hungarian KÉPAF 2013 conference, and
a short paper
Eurographics 2013.
Last update: 2013.05.20.
Our invitation card
created in Scribus. There is also
another version
for our wedding party in Japan with an
RSVP card.
Last update: 2013.03.21.
My PhD dissertation on "Fair Curves and Surfaces",
along with its synopsis (in English and in
Hungarian), and
the theses booklet (in English and in
The main results are also illustrated in the (Hungarian)
slides that I presented at the defense of
my dissertation.
Last update: 2012.12.14.
A paper that will be published in the
Graphical Models
Last update: 2012.04.26.
Two papers we've written for
the Sixth Hungarian Conference on Computer Graphics and Geometry, 2012:
3D Shape Design Using Curve Networks
with Ribbons, and
New Schemes for Multi-sided
Transfinite Surface Interpolation.
I have also given a talk on the latter topic at the
International Workshop on New Trends in Applied Geometry held in
Gazzada, Italy.
Last update: 2012.02.18.
This is my public key for anyone
who wants to send me secure data. You can import it to your keyring using
GnuPG with gpg --import peter-salvi.pgp.
PGP Fingerprint: F069 3534 5174 7418 F532 5FD2 CF7A 4AA7 B89A BC28
GTalk/OTR Fingerprint: 01904A6A 78CB8BCB DDBEA30B E0274B8F FBBA3D95
ICQ/OTR Fingerprint: 4502CD10 404F82BC 89E4E9F3 10BDDB91 5B3B4264
MSN/OTR Fingerprint: EC68BEF1 DDB9319E B87D0B35 DF17EEA2 200DA5FE
Last update: 2011.10.13.
A paper we've written for
the SPM2011 conference. It will be published in the
CAD journal.
Last update: 2011.10.01.
As an exercise, I've tried to write up a 20-page introduction to
Swahili grammar (in Hungarian), covering (almost) all the basic
constructions, along with a worked out example text. The goal was to
create a document that can be read and understood with no previous
knowledge of the language.
Download the PDF
(there is also a cheat sheet),
or get the latest LyX source with
git clone https://github.com/salvipeter/gyorstalpalo.git
Last update: 2011.07.30.
A description on configuring
my cheap Kraun gamepad to work under Linux. It involves downloading
various tools, hacking a kernel module and patching the SDL library -
all in a day's work for a programmer!
Last update: 2011.05.08.
All the words I have learned
from "Colloquial Swahili" (D. McGrath & L. Marten) and
those I have learned
from "Teach Yourself Swahili" (J. Russell) and
those from
"Living Language Swahili" (Kh. Mohamed & A. Mazrui), containing only the
words not appearing in the previous lists.
There are also some grammar notes.
About using the dictionary file, see the
snippet page.
2010.02.24.: The word list of "Colloquial Swahili" is complete.
2010.04.24.: The word list of "Teach Yourself Swahili" is complete.
2011.05.05.: The word list of "Living Language Swahili" is complete.
Last update: 2011.05.05.
All the words I have learned
from "Colloquial Cantonese" (Keith S.T. Tong & Gregory James), along
with Hungarian meanings and chinese characters (also in
HTML version). There is
another list in text or
in HTML for
"Teach Yourself Cantonese" (H. Baker & P. Ho), containing only the
words not appearing in the first list.
About using the dictionary files, see the
snippet page.
2009.11.22.: The word list of "Colloquial Cantonese" is complete.
2011.03.24.: The word list of "Teach Yourself Cantonese" is complete.
Last update: 2011.03.24.
All the words I have learned
from "Teach Yourself Indonesian" (Ch. Bymes & E. Nyimas) and
some grammar notes.
About using the dictionary file, see the
snippet page.
2011.02.07.: The word list of "Teach Yourself Indonesian" is complete.
Last update: 2011.02.07.
All the words I have learned and some
grammar notes
I took (in Hungarian)
while learning from "Teach Yourself Arabic" (J. R. Smart) and other
sources, such as "Arabic - An Essential Grammar" (Faruk Abu-Chacra)
and "A New Arabic Grammar of the Written Language" (J. A. Haywood &
H. M. Nahmad). The words file also has a pattern search feature
(written in Emacs Lisp).
Another ASCII-based dictionary
contains all the words from the book "Teach Yourself Gulf Arabic"
(J. Smart & F. Altorfer).
There is also yet another dictionary
based on the words from the series العربية بين يديك
(Arabic Between Your Hands). About using the dictionary file, see the
snippet page.
Counting may be the most complex part of the Arabic language.
Here is a short (Hungarian) memo
with a few examples (also in HTML).
Last update: 2010.12.11.
A few thoughts on what
are the prerequisites for a comfortable programming language. Of
course all of this is very subjective.
Last update: 2010.08.16.
A paper I've written for
the Fifth Hungarian Conference on Computer Graphics and Geometry, 2010
and the slides I've presented.
It was also rewritten as a
short paper
for the
SPM2010 conference
(there is also a
longer version).
Last update: 2010.05.28.
A memo on how to install VimClojure.
Last update: 2010.04.06.
A memo on how to setup CLISP
for writing scripts, along with a short example.
Last update: 2009.12.15.
A list that contains every
(1-character) wubi code and maps them to their corresponding
chinese character and pronounciation (in pinyin). There is a
with Unicode accents, and a two-column
This dictionary is automatically generated from the data files
of my
Wubi Practice program and the
tonepy input method in Emacs.
Last update: 2009.11.09.
A memo on how to compile Clojure
programs into JAR files.
Last update: 2009.06.06.
Two posters about my research, created with Scribus.
Available in Scribus (first,
EPS (first,
second) and
JPG (first,
second) file formats.
Last update: 2009.05.20.
All the words I have learned and some
grammar notes
I took (in Hungarian)
while learning from "Introduction to Attic Greek" (D. J. Mastronarde).
This table contains sample words for
practicing every declension and conjugation I (should) know (there is
a filled version here, and
also in PDF format).
There is also a list of my solutions
to the exercises of the book "Homeric Greek - A Book for Beginners" (C. Pharr).
About using the dictionary file, see the
snippet page.
Note: The Homeric Greek exercises are temporarily suspended.
Last update: 2008.12.26.
A short memo (in Hungarian) on the rules of Chinese and Japanese mahjong,
containing the most
important words in both languages (also with romaji for Japanese).
Download it in TXT or in
Last update: 2008.11.18.
The slides of the presentation I've given on the ICFP'08 programming contest
with my friend 黄涧石 at a Lisp seminar in Tokyo.
in English (PPT,
PDF) or
in Japanese (PPT,
Last update: 2008.11.17.
I've created a few (four-gray) thumbnails
for some books I've uploaded to
my Cybook, using this snippet.
Last update: 2008.10.25.
A more-or-less complete list of anime
titles I've seen, with a four-scale (very subjective) rating system.
Last update: 2008.10.23.
Well, it's SVG, which is a markup language, so it's text in a way :).
There is an Emacs logo
(100dpi PNG),
the famous FailWhale
(100dpi PNG) and
a character from the anime series Honey and Clover called
(100dpi PNG).
Last update: 2008.09.25.
All the words
(html) I have learned and some
grammar notes
(html) (in Hungarian).
There is also a list of my solutions
to the exercises of the book "Latin for Beginners" (B. L. D'Ooge).
About using the dictionary file, see the
snippet page.
2008.07.04.: The answer list is now complete.
Last update: 2008.07.04.
These were my "slides" for two C++ classes I gave. The first is
about templates
and the second is about STL
Last update: 2008.07.03.
These memos are to help me remember how can I do different things with
OpenGL: rotation, zoom and pan in a
perspective view; NURBS surface
textures; maybe more to come later.
There is also a utility to
generate isophote textures.
Last update: 2008.06.30.
List of the (mostly open-source)
programs I frequently use.
Last update: 2008.04.14.
A paper I've written for
the GMP 2008 conference
held in Hangzhou, China. Also
presented in a shorter form at the
annual meeting of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering.
Last update: 2008.04.10.
An attempt to create an enjoyable 'test yourself'
for Emacs
users. There are only a few (basic) tasks for the moment.
There is also an answer list
for my personal use.
Last update: 2008.04.05.
All the words I have learned and some
grammar notes (in Hungarian).
About using the dictionary file, see the
snippet page.
Last update: 2008.03.12.
A short note to
remind myself when to use which programming language / library.
Last update: 2008.02.14.
All the words I have learned and some
grammar notes (in Hungarian).
About using the dictionary file, see the
snippet page.
Last update: 2008.01.24.
A memo for using Autoconf/Automake.
Last update: 2007.12.21.
I sometimes jot down the melodies in my head - movie themes and songs,
These scores were created with Lilypond; I've uploaded
the source files I still have, too.
Composer |
Title |
Image |
Source |
Sound |
Liu Song-bai |
Chun Xiao |
png |
ly |
Naozumi Yamamoto |
Fighting Elegy Theme |
png |
ly |
midi |
Qi Yu |
Ganlanshu |
png |
ly |
John Williams |
Harry Potter Theme |
png |
ly |
? |
JR Signal at Takada no Baba |
png |
ly |
Loituma |
The famous Leekspin Song |
png |
ly |
midi |
Li Chun-bo |
Loulan Xinniang |
png |
ly |
? |
Misaki no toudai |
png |
ly |
midi |
? |
Fragment of a repeating Naruto theme |
png |
ly |
midi |
Tchaikovsky |
A few measures from (maybe) the overture of Romeo and Juliet |
png |
ly |
? |
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer |
png |
ly |
Li Chun-bo |
Xiao Fang |
png |
ly |
Li Chun-bo |
Yi feng jiashu |
png |
ly |
Deng Li-jun |
Yueliang daibiao wo de xin |
png |
ly |
Last update: 2007.10.19.
Some slides (in Hungarian) about CLOS and the conditions system
in Common Lisp, written for a class at university. Largely based
on Peter Seibel's talk at Google TechTalks, also his wonderful book
"Practical Common Lisp" and some other sources.
Available in OpenOffice
and PDF file formats.
There is also an archive
of the examples I have shown during the presentation.
Last update: 2007.09.28.
A paper I've written for
the Third Hungarian Conference on Computer Graphics and Geometry, 2005.
Last update: 2007.04.13.
My master's thesis at the
Eötvös Loránd University
(also in PDF).
Last update: 2007.04.13.
Some movies I like.
Last update: 2007.04.13.
Timed Hungarian translation of the
Rurouni Kenshin OVA
in SubStation Alpha format.
Last update: 2007.04.13.
Classical Japanese conjugation tables in
Last update: 2007.04.13.
Emacs basics in
English and in
Last update: 2007.04.13.
Walkthroughs for
Dunnet and
Hunter, in Darkness.
See more information at
Baf's Guide.
Last update: 2007.04.13.
Copyright (C) 2007-2025 Peter Salvi